Phyllo-Wrapped Figs with Mascarpone

50 dried figs

6 oz red wine

12 oz mascarpone cheese

1 teaspoon allspice

1 package Phyllo dough, defrosted and cut into squares about 6-7 inches

parchment paper

Soak figs in red wine for a few hours to soften them. Cut stems from figs and dice them. Mix with mascarpone and allspice.

Don't defrost the dough excessively and work with it quickly. As dough dries slightly, it will be easier to peel off individual sheets. Working too slowly will cause the dough to get brittle and flakey.

Place a tablespoon-sized portion of figs on a square of dough, near a corner. Wrap the dough neatly, as this shape will remain after baking.

Place parchment paper and assembled pieces on a baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees until pieces start to brown, perhaps 10 minutes.

Makes 45-50 pieces.