Herb Salmon with Mango and Papaya

1 1/2 lbs salmon filet

8 oz teriyaki sauce

2 oz olive oil

16 oz heavy cream

1 oz diced cilantro

2 oz chopped basil

1/2 oz sesame seeds

2 oz narrowly sliced green onion

3 limes, juiced

2 avocados

2 mangos

1 papaya

2 tomatoes

1 oz finely chopped dill

Marinade salmon in a large bowl with the teriyaki sauce for at least five hours, then pour off any extra sauce. Saute salmon in a little bit of olive oil. Remove from heat before the fish reaches rare, as the salmon will continue to cook to medium rare from its heat.

Reduce the cream to about 4 ounces. Saute onions in remaining oil until they start to soften. Add into the cream the sliced onion, basil and cilantro, as well as the sesame seeds and lime juice. Slice salmon and into 3/4-inch pieces, put it in the cream to thoroughly coat.

Pit the avocados and remove the skins. Take off the mango skin, and cut the fruit away from its core. Slice the papaya in half, removing the seeds with a spoon, and cut off the skin. Dice papaya coarsely as well as the avocados, mangos and tomatoes into quarter-inch pieces. Wash seeds from tomatoes and drain water. Mix all of these in a bowl, other than two ounces of tomato.

Plate this mix and serve with salmon on top, draining any excess cream. Garnish with remaining tomato and sprinkle with dill.

Serves 12 as a starter.