Yosemite '11

Please join us to go

Camping in Yosemite

Labor Day Weekend

Friday-Monday, Sept. 2-5

Yosemite '11

Please plan to come along for this weekend of camping in Yosemite. I have a group site reserved for us that weekend. We'll do a couple pretty hikes as well as a sunset viewpoint picnic. One day we'll get into Yosemite Valley to enjoy the scenery there.

The late summer weather in Yosemite is dependably sunny with highs in the 70s during the day and into the 80s in the Valley, and getting fairly cool at night. The first quarter moon will be high in the sky in the evenings while we're there.

As on previous trips, everyone will be asked to help with some of the food shopping/prep and be served by others the rest of the trip, Friday dinner through Monday breakfast. Feel free to let me know if you have a preference for helping with breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Kids are welcome, as are any friends you'd like to invite along. To avoid any disturbances in camp, please make alternative arrangements for any pets that weekend, thanks! Our campsite has flush toilets and we'll have hot showers available to us in the Valley.

Yosemite '11

Yosemite '11

The cost of the trip will be $60 per person to cover the campsite fee, firewood and our common supplies, as well as all the wine and beer for the weekend. (This price will apply to kids as well, who will get these provided other than the wine without the cost of a meal assignment.)

Please send your check to me to arrive no later than Weds., Aug. 24 so there will be time for people to get their meal assignments and plan these meals. (Unfortunately, this fee will have to be non-refundable if a better offer comes up later.) Let me know if you have any questions about the trip.

I hope you can join us for what will surely be a fun weekend!

Yosemite '11